profile image of Urja Acharya


This website is a demo for the redgood theme made by Urja Acharya. This section is customizable and can be used for a short inroduction by modifying params.about.narrative in config. Markdown can be used in this section.

redgood theme

2021-03-02 · Urja Acharya


redgood is a clean minimal javascript-less hugo theme for blogs.


This is the live demo.


If the site is not a git repo, it is necessary to first run git init. Run the following command in the site root directory to add redgood as a submodule:

git submodule add themes/redgood

Getting started

  1. Copy the contents of config.toml in the exampleSite folder to a config.toml in the site root directory and update it as needed.
  2. Copy all the contents from exampleSite/content to a content folder in the root directory. At the least, the folders archive and pinnedPosts need to be copied.
  3. Run hugo server to begin developing.

Adding contents

The contents of your site should be in content folder in the root directory. Each folder in the content folder represent dfferent sections. The archive and pinnedPosts are special sections and are used by the theme for displaying all posts and pinned posts, respectively.

Additional content directories for more content sections can be added as required. When adding new folders, also create a new file inside each folder and add relevant metadata in the front matter.

Refer to for an example.

Pinned posts

The theme allows for showing a pinned post in the home page. If pinned post is not defined, then the most recent post will be shown instead. Posts that were pinned in the past will be shown in a dedicated section (/pinnedposts/).

For pinning posts, add pinned = true if using TOML or pinned: true if using YAML in the front matter of the markdown file.

Here is an example of pinned content for more information.


For comments, questions, and bugs, create an issue in the github repo.

Previously Pinned Posts